Meet William Tulel; A Kibera Magistrate who uses Mediation to reduce case backlogs, reconcile couples, warring parties

Kibera Senior Resident Magistrate William Tulel has brought together a lot of families, relatives and even friends through his mediation magics.

” I thank the Magistrate for keeping us together, after his advice , we are currently doing well, he listened to us and then directed that we go, sit down and sort out our issues for the sake of our children,” Said Agnes Omondi, a woman who had accused her husband of punching her on the left ear.

His skills has reduced petty cases in his court and at the same time reconciled the warring parties.

” Sometimes as a magistrate, you need to use wisdom and decide on some petty cases before advising the parties on the importance of forgiving each other,” he early this year.

According to city lawyer Linet Rono, Tulel mediation skills are rare among magistrates in the county.

” Most magistrates are so busy for such talks, they usually do cases that can be handled out of court to the end and this is so unfortunate,” she said.

Despite Tulel considering mitigation as an option, he has on several occasions directed that some cases proceed to a full trial after disagreeing on the way of sorting their issues.

Experts are calling on Magistrates to help solve petty cases as a way of reducing backlog

More to follow….

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