Breaking News: Taita Taveta Deputy Speaker Anselm Chao Faces Fraud Charges Over Alleged Misappropriation of County Funds

Anselm Chao

Taita Taveta County Assembly Deputy Speaker Anselm Chao was arraigned in court on Monday to face charges amounting to Sh 1.2 million fraud, allegedly connected to the illegal disbursement of funds for a Zanzibar trip for certain committee members.

Chao denied the multiple counts of fraud leveled against him, including accusations of uttering false documents, financial misconduct, and false accounting.

The allegations stem from Chao’s purported use of his position to authorize payments totaling Sh 1,246,870 to five individuals who were not legitimate members of the Taita Taveta County Assembly Liaison committee. It’s alleged that these payments were made under the guise of funding their participation in a training program in Zanzibar, a benefit they were ineligible to receive.

Moreover, Chao faces additional charges related to his failure to adhere to procurement laws and regulations, as well as allegations of uttering false documents and engaging in financial misconduct. These accusations paint a troubling picture of abuse of power and financial mismanagement within the county assembly.

Following his court appearance, Chao was granted conditional release on a bond of Sh 1 million or a cash bail alternative of Sh 500,000.

The case is scheduled for mention on March 11, 2024, marking the beginning of what promises to be a protracted legal battle.

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