Court allows detectives to investigate the bank Air Afrik Aviation, gives okay to peruse all documents

A magistrate court has directed an investigator to obtain all documents from a bank that is being investigated of banking fraud.

Milimani senior principal magistrate Bernard Ochoi on Thursday, gave the directions after a representative from Stanbic Bank Kenya Limited told court they were ready to serve the required records by the investigator Caroline Omwoyo.

This is after banking fraud investigation unit filed an application in April seeking the court to issue a warrant to investigate bank account(s),investigate books  of an account in the name of Air Afrik Aviation domiciled at the bank.

The investigating officer also sought to inspect/investigate, obtain information and demand to be supplied with and carry away as exhibits.

Omwoyo also wanted an order for the bank official(s) to record statements regarding their account and the disputed entries therein.

“Court be pleased to issue an order compelling the Manager Stanbic bank Kenya limited, the respondent herein, to nominate authorized person(s) to make

and hand over a certificate of production of electronic evidence Certified Copies generated electronically “, the court was told.

Subsequently, orders compelling the Bank to provide the said documents and information were issued on April 17, 2024,however, the Bank management failed to adhere to the orders.

The Bank would later respond via email on April 29 saying the requested documents were not in their custody.

When the case came up today,  the prosecution had sought to have head of legal at the bank be held in contempt for not honoring to the orders issued by the court.

The DPP had also sought for a warrant of arrest against Janet Wanjohi head of legal at Stanbic Bank.

The bank however responded that they had the documents.

The case will be mentioned on June 24 to confirm compliance of documents received from the bank.

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