Davido Takes Legal Action Against K24 for False Drug Trafficking Accusations


Kenya Insights has learned that Davido, a Nigerian musician, has directed his legal team to take legal action against K24 in Kenya for publishing a defamatory story.


K24 Digital on Monday 1, April splashed a story, ‘Nigerian musician Davido detained at JKIA after Ksh18M cocaine haul found in his private jet’ falling on the April Fool’s Day, many flagged it and ignored it as such. However, the velocity of the good article escalated as many took is as real news and was even republished in numerous blogs outside Kenya. For a better part of Monday, it was the trending story.

The initial story which has since been deleted.

It was a joke that went too far that even The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) quickly intervened to save the situation branding it ‘Fake News’


The report stated that Nigerian singer David Adeleke aka Davido was arrested by police on Sunday. It detailed that Davido and his seven crew members were held at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) following a search on his private jet, where narcotic drugs were found.

It added that Davido and his crew were arrested by the Anti-Narcotics Police Unit at JKIA.

However, in reality, Davido left Kenya on Sunday, after a night of performance at the Raha Fest, which was held in Uhuru Gardens, Nairobi on Saturday night.

The story was later pulled down but the damage had already been done. Davido had been subjected to stereotypical attacks.

What is April Fools’ Day?

Every year, April Fools’ Day is celebrated on April 1. While its exact origins are unclear, many historians trace April Fools’ back to 1582, the History Channel and the Library of Congress report.

That year, France changed its calendar system from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. According to the Julian calendar, each year began on the spring equinox, which usually fell around April 1. Under the Gregorian Calendar, however, the new year started on January 1.

In France, many were unaware of the calendar change and continued to celebrate the new year during the last week of March through April 1. These people were considered the “butt of jokes and hoaxes” and were named “April fools,” according to the History Channel.

Others maintain that April Fools’ derives from the Roman festival of Hilaria, which is Latin for “joyful.” Hilaria was celebrated at the end of March by devotees of the goddess Cybele, the History Channel reports. During the festival, followers would dress up in disguises and trick townspeople.

While the fools day knows no boundaries, one rule is constant. That the jokes should not go beyond 12.00 pm.

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