Eldoret Policewoman Lilian Biwott shot dead husband after he had threatened to kill their children-witness tells court.

Police woman Lilian Biwott who used 11 bullets to shoot her husband dead had quarrelled with the man after he threatened to kill their children

The querelled for over an hour before Lilian opened fire, killing the man in their bedroom.

A key witness Sharon Jepchirchir, who was a household to the couple, narrated how the two quarrelled on the phone before Lilian came back to the house on the fateful night.

The man was in their house at Kimumu estate while Lilian was on night duty, and the househelp said she was sleeping in an adjacent room where she could overhear the couple querelling on the phone.

“After a while, Lilian came back and asked me to open the door for her.  She was in full uniform and had a gun, “said the witness.

She said Lilian then went into their bedroom as she went back to her room from where she had the two quarrel again for more than an hour.

“After about 1 hour, I heard a loud bang in their room and went to check only to find Lilian going out. I followed her out, but she went away, “said the witness.

Lilian has denied killing her husband Victor Kipchumba on October 14th 2023. She faces a murder charge before Justice Reuben Nyakundi at the High Court in Eldoret.

While being cross examined by lawyer Oscar Oduor representing Lilian, the househelp said during the quarrel she heard the man saying he would kill their children in anger.

She revealed that the two frequently querrelled, and the man was used to walking around with kitchen knives in the house.

At the same time she told the court that the man used to seduce her and would even invite her to their bedroom at night when Lilian was away.

“He would on some days call me on my phone and ask me to go to their bedroom when Lilian was away at night”, said Jepchirchir.

She said that she informed Lilian about the same sparking more quarrels between the couple.

Jepchirchir told the court that Lilian had been a good employer to her and was always generous.

She had worked with the couple for over six month before the killing.

Earlier Jepchirchir was led by state counsel Mark Mugun to give her evidence in chief.

Oduor asked the court to decide on the application by her client to be released on bond pending hearing of the case.

Justice Nyakundi set the matter for further hearing next week.

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