Hamas has agreed to the ceasefire agreement proposed by Egypt and Qatar. This deal aims to bring an end to the ongoing conflict and restore peace in the region


Ismail Haniyeh, the Chief of Hamas’s Political Bureau, recently reached out to the Prime Minister of Qatar and the Minister of Intelligence of Egypt to convey Hamas’s acceptance of their proposed ceasefire agreement.

This announcement was made by the Hamas Movement, highlighting their commitment to resolving the ongoing conflict through diplomatic channels. By engaging with key regional players, Hamas aims to demonstrate its willingness to cooperate and find a peaceful resolution to the situation.

In a significant development, Ismail Haniyeh, the Chief of Hamas’s Political Bureau, personally contacted the Prime Minister of Qatar and the Minister of Intelligence of Egypt to convey Hamas’s acceptance of their proposed ceasefire agreement.

This move by Hamas demonstrates their proactive approach in engaging with influential regional leaders to address the escalating tensions. By reaching out to these key figures, Hamas aims to emphasize its commitment to finding a peaceful resolution and ending the hostilities. This announcement underscores the importance of diplomatic efforts in de-escalating the situation and fostering stability in the region.

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