Natembeya’s close aide faults Wetangula for a ‘show of force’ as tides seem to turn in his backyard

Political tides in Western Kenya seem to be shifting towards Governor George Natembeya if the latest incidences and developments are anything to go by.

With Natembeya gaining prominence and popularity of his Tawe Movement, there seem to be a change in perception and dictate of local politics in the region.

It has been reported by a side-eye, that while attending a burial in his own backyard in Kabuchai constituency, Speaker of the National Assembly Moses Wetangula is said to have gone beyond and sourced for the services of police officers from the locality and brought them in numbers to the burial.

Following these developments, Trans Nzoia Chief of Staff Mr. Dickson Wamocho has come out guns blazing about this atrocious acts by.

” I urge Speaker Moses Wetangula to stop selling fear and animosity by the use of police goons. Governor Natembeya is simply enlightening his people from the entire Western on the injustices they have passed through decades,” Wamocho said.

He urged Western residents to shun Wetangula’s politics of poverty and embrace the Tawe Movement as change was inevitable.

” Let us keep off the politics of deceit and conmanship, its time for the Tawe Movement moments,” he added

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