Public Outrage: Kevin Omollo Omondi Accused of Defrauding Victims in CT Scan Scandal

Kevin Omollo Omondi

‪A Bungoma Court has slapped a CT Scan dealer with a Sh800,000 bond after being charged for supplying a fake equipment to a private hospital.‬

‪The accused, Kevin Omollo Omondi, had been contracted by Nabwala Hospital in Manyanja, Bungoma to supply the medical equipment in 2022 at a cost of Sh7 million

The CT Scan machine was supplied but the hospital would later come realize that they had been conned as the machine failed to function leaving the hospital devastated having invested heavily in the expensive medical equipment.‬

‪The hospital say Mr Omollo refused to take responsibility and has been dodging them ever since over the functionality of the device. This prompted them to seek DCI help leading to his arrest after medical engineers raised an alarm about the supplied machine.‬

The matter is before Magistrate Harriet Getanga and is schedule for hearing in 14th March 2024.‬

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