Cleophas Malala warns Kuria and Murkomen to cease attacking Gachagua or resign

Cleophas Malala

The UDA has cautioned its members, including Cabinet Secretaries, to prioritize their official responsibilities or step down from their positions to pursue political activities. The party’s Secretary General, Cleophas Malala, has raised alarm over the conduct of certain elected officials, labeling it as disrespectful towards the party leadership and the presidency.

Speaking upon his return from a trip to China, where the UDA delegation engaged in discussions with the Communist Party of China on matters of mutual interest, Malala emphasized the importance of party unity and discipline. He specifically called out Githunguri Member of Parliament, Hon. Gathoni Wa Muchomba, Kapseret Member of Parliament, Hon. Oscar Sudi, and Nyeri Governor, Hon. Mutahi Kahiga, for their recent conduct that undermines the party’s unity and disrespects the leadership.

Malala issued a stern warning to these leaders, urging them to desist from such actions with immediate effect. “Failure to do so would result in disciplinary action being taken.” He said. He also addressed Cabinet Secretaries who have been involving themselves in political activities, contrary to the law, which requires them to remain apolitical.

Malala specifically went all out for Hon. Moses Kuria, the Cabinet Secretary for Public Service, Gender, and Affirmative Action, and Hon. Kipchumba Murkomen, Cabinet Secretary for Roads and Transport, stating that their primary responsibility is to serve the people within their respective dockets. “Should they wish to engage in politics, they are welcome to resign and join the political arena.” He added.

Malala also urged young politicians within the UDA who have prematurely begun their campaigns for 2032 to halt these activities, as they not only distract from their responsibilities but also disrespect the trust placed in them by the electorate. “The party will take stern disciplinary action against those who continue with these premature campaigns.” He said.

Malala emphasized the importance of party discipline and respect for party hierarchy, stating that any form of indiscipline will not be tolerated within the ranks of the UDA party.

Ruto-Gachagua rift

Malala’s statement comes in the backdrop of widening rift between President Ruto and his DP Gachagua that has seen politicians allied to both leaders engage in fierce exchanges in the recent past.

There are reports that Gachagua has already booked a political outfit as he plots to exit UDA, further affirming the fears that his relationship with Ruto is in tatters.

Gachagua’s new party

According to reports in local newspapers, Gachagua is collaborating with The New Democrats (TND) officials to explore options outside UDA, while Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga warns President Ruto’s support in Mt Kenya could be threatened by attacks.

The DP is reportedly reaching out to political players, including a former top government official, for a possible political deal. Gachagua has acquired a political party and has approached a Western Kenyan governor (Natembeya) to join his team. The DP has accused some allies of President Ruto in his Rift Valley backyard of being used to undermine him. Another list of operatives is being used to fight the DP, including youthful groups including Ndindi Nyoro who believe it is time to assert themselves in leadership positions.


The DP is also facing opposition from the G7 group, led by Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru, who is aiming to increase the number of female governors in the next election. The governor, Kahiga, believes that Waiguru is using ‘G7’ as a strategy to strategically place herself as a possible replacement for the DP. President Ruto has previously clashed with the DP on having a woman as the running mate for a man in the next election, which has unsettled Gachagua, who fears “betrayal.”

Kahiga believes that President Ruto is a wise politician who will not change his running mate but warns that changing his deputy could risk losing the support he enjoys in the region. The DP’s claims of being fought by Ruto’s close associates and the “women factor” in the 2027 race have also upset him.

Mt Kenya’s politicians, including Githunguri MP Gathoni wa Muchomba and former Kiambu governor Ferdinand Waititu, are calling for DP Gachagua to declare his interest in the top seat in 2027. They believe the problems facing the region are linked to a scheme to divide the country. Mountain politics are unique, often bringing together threats to its welfare or betrayal. Mr Kahiga described DP Gachagua as a battle-hardened political soldier, stating that he will survive relentless attacks and prove his loyalty to only one leader at a time.

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