Corruption case exposed involving ex-Muranga Governor Mwangi wa Iria and seven others

Governor Mwangi wa Iria

The Anti-Corruption Court has issued an order for a corruption case involving Former Muranga Governor Mwangi wa Iria and seven others accused of improperly awarding contracts for media buying services worth sh 351 million to be mentioned on July 4.

This event has brought considerable focus to the current legal dispute concerning corruption accusations.

The Case

The accusations stem from alleged irregularities in the awarding of contracts for media buying services during the tenure of Mwangi wa Iria as the Governor of Muranga County. The charges involve conspiracy to commit corruption and unlawful contracts amounting to a substantial sum of money.

Legal Proceedings

Principal magistrate Isabellah Baraza has scheduled the mention of the case on July 4 for pre-trial, aiming to fix the hearing of the case. The accused, including Wa Iria, David Njeri, and Solomon Kimani, have vehemently denied the allegations and appeared before Milimani Anti-corruption Chief Magistrate Thomas Nzyuki.

Denial of Offence

During the plea-taking, the accused individuals, accompanied by their legal representatives, asserted their innocence. Wa Iria, in particular, was represented by a team of counsels led by Senior Counsel Kalonzo Musyoka. The accused persons refuted the charges and sought lenient bond terms.

Charges and Accusations

The charges outlined in the charge sheet accuse the defendants of conspiring to commit corruption in relation to the unlawful contracts awarded for media buying services. The accused include individuals and companies allegedly involved in the procurement process.

Defense and Bond Terms

In their defense, the accused individuals argued for lenient bond terms, emphasizing their innocence and denying any wrongdoing. Jane Waigwe Kimani, the spouse of the former Governor, asserted her innocence, stating that she was a victim due to her association with Wa Iria.

The graft case against Former Muranga Governor Mwangi wa Iria and the seven other accused individuals represents a significant legal battle in the fight against corruption. The upcoming legal proceedings and the denial of the charges by the defendants underscore the complexity and importance of addressing allegations of corruption within the political sphere.


  1. What are the allegations against Former Muranga Governor Mwangi wa Iria and the other accused individuals?
    • The accusations involve irregularities in the awarding of contracts for media buying services amounting to sh 351 million.
  2. What is the significance of the court mentioning the case on July 4?
    • The mention on July 4 indicates the next step in the legal process, potentially leading to the fixing of a hearing date for the case.
  3. How have the accused persons responded to the charges against them?
    • The accused individuals have denied the charges and sought legal representation to defend their innocence.
  4. What legal representation do the accused individuals have?
    • The accused, including Mwangi wa Iria, have legal representation led by Senior Counsel Kalonzo Musyoka.
  5. What are the potential implications of the case for the accused and the broader political landscape?
    • The outcome of the case could have significant repercussions for the accused individuals and may influence public perception of corruption within the political arena.

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