Former CS Ukur Yattani big mistakes Haunt him back , sent him to loneliness amid  corruption scandals


One will think that leaders from upper Eastern are not aware of what former National Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yattani, a powerful government official at the time, is going through.
The answer is No.

CS Yattani’s problems are self made a result of his past deeds and from his selfish ambitions.

Kenyanmiror has gathered massive evidence to ascertain the issue.

On his rise politically, In 2006, Ukur Yattani became the North Horr Member of Parliament after the death of a staleart Hon. Bonaya Godana who died in a helicopter crash.

As per the community traditions dictate that he was to allow one member of the deceased family ascends to power to finish his job then allow a different candidate come in later.

He is said to have rejected the proposal and this marked the beginning of his long term curse that is now haunting him years later.

Word is all leaders from the region have refused to associate with him.

“You see, he tried to separate our clans with us the Borana being the largest clan and he complete worked against them. Yattan is from Gabra clan,” said Waqo Ali, a resident from Marsabit.

In addition to this , Yattan refused to honor the elders and other leaders who asked him not to seek re-election in the 2017 General Elections and went against their wishes and formed the UPIA party.
He lost terribly.

There are over 16 tribes in the Upper Eastern part of the country and elders are highly valued.

“Normally elders endorse a candidate and we believe in unity a matter Yattani ignored. He disrespected them and ignored the area leaders to a point he appointed almost all of his family members to several positions in his government when he was a governor. He divided our people and thus why he is in trouble,” said Ali Golicha.

The embattled former CS has completely lost the ground and no one wants to talk to him, a source told Kenyanmiror.

“His massive corruption scandals that brought down the county are still felt, even today, he is under siege for looting the country during his tenure as a Minister at the Treasury,” it said.

It is also in the public domain that there were a lot of skirmishes during his era as Governor.

” We saw communities fight during his tenure as the governor. He completely divided the people. Today there is no much conflict because of unity. he did nothing to help our people,” Roba Qanchora told our team.

In 2022, Yattani also campaigned against the Rigabu and Borana despite the fact that these are some of the largest tribes in the region.

Scholars observe that Yattani’s leadership is a total flop and did nothing to elavate the people.

“He did completely nothing good for the people except for his family a reason why you won’t see any leader calling a press conference to defend him as “our people” ” he added.

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