MP Kaluma questions Stanbic Bank Boss Joshua Oigara about gifting Maina Kageni

MP Kaluma

Homabay MP Peter Kaluma and a prominent advocate against LGBTQ rights in parliament have raised doubts about the sexual preferences of media personality Maina Kageni and Stanbic Bank CEO Joshua Oigara.

Kaluma was reacting to a suggestive photo that Maina had posted posing with Joshua who had gifted him the bank’s hamper.

“Sometimes it’s the unexpected acts of kindness that touch us the most. I’m blown away by the beautiful gifts and heartfelt thanks I received from Mr. Joshua Oigara and the team at Stanbic Bank. I’m humbled by your generosity and friendship. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!” Maina wrote.

This appears to be part of a Stanbic Bank’s marketing campaign. However, the MP could appear unconvinced, “are you guys homosexuals?” He posed.

But it was not just the MP who had a similar reaction. Curious comments came under Maina’s post on X.

The photo.

“This is the most awkward gifting posture I have ever seen.” Josh Tety commented.

“Remember both of them are not married 😂 This is a clear sign.” wrote Kibet.

“Y’all look amazing together❤” Josh reacted.

“Haiya…what is this now…that pose yawa.” Pius Kinuthia reacted.

“Looks like a couple.” Rodgers Kipembe said.

Peter Kaluma’s Anti-LGBTQ Bill

Last year, Kaluma submitted the Family Protection Bill to the National Assembly.

The new bill proposed a ban on homosexuality, same-sex marriages and any hint of LGBTQ behaviour in the country. It also prohibits the promotion of LGBTQ in the country by clumping down on its promoters and funding by various groups.

The bill if passed will uphold the prior rights of parents and guardians to their children’s education.

It will reassert the rights of parents to be informed and to consent to sexuality education, and abortion procedures involving their children.

Homa Bay MP Peter Kaluma.

Homa Bay MP Peter Kaluma.

According to Kaluma, the bill defines sex as the biological state of being male or female observed and assigned at birth.

The MP also wants the state to limit rights to assembly, demonstration, association, expression, belief, privacy, and employment in childcare institutions in respect of homosexual convicts.

The bill further prohibits adoption by homosexuals and proscribes sex acts on animals.

The legislator said the bill if passed will have the penalty imposed under the proposed Act ranges from the imprisonment of at least 10 years to death.

Kaluma has since maintained that homosexuals should be punished because it is illegal in Kenya.

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