How Sonko Masterminded His Escape Plan from Jail and Avoided Police Capture


During an interview with media personality Oga Obinna, former Nairobi governor Mike Sonko revealed a sensitive topic he usually avoids discussing – how he pretended to be dead in order to flee from Shimo La Tewa prison.

Sonko explained that after learning about the death of his mother while still behind bars, he thought quickly and devised a way of escaping. Faking his own death came as the best strategy.

However, his cover was soon blown after being betrayed by friends who revealed he was not dead and even disclosed his hideout in Nairobi.

Sonko then planned an escape route and fled to Tanzania, where he stayed briefly before sneaking back into Kenya through Uganda.

He stayed shortly in Ugunja, a small town in Siaya County along the Kisumu-Busia route. Sonko revealed that his friend and then Ugenya MP Stephen Ondiek provided him with accommodation, and he remained in the quiet town in the company of a local lady who gave him the peace and necessary entertainment he needed.

Sonko grew tired of being on the run and eventually decided to surrender himself. However, even as he was planning to go to court, his friends once again betrayed him to the police, and he was rearrested.

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