I have a big plan for Elgeyo Marakwet , City lawyer Hillary Cheboi Kibaset says ahead of 2027 polls

Famous City Lawyer Hillary Cheboi has told Residents of Elgeyo Marakwet to Elect him as their Senator in 2027 because he has a big unique plan of sorting most of their problems.

Cheboi believes that by empowering residents to be self reliable ,fighting insecurity and injustice was key in improving the county’s economic sector hence promoting people’s life.

Speaking to the press early today at a Nairobi Hotel, Cheboi said that he has been engaging partners who are now ready to help him achieve his goals once elected as the area Senator.

” I can comfortably say that i have partners from Israel, UK and some parts of Africa who have promised to help us move the county to the next level,” Said Cheboi.

The youthfully politician last week launched some youths empowerment programmes that saw several unemployed youths getting enrolled in various driving school to gain driving skills.

” We have so far taken atleast 70 young men to competitive driving schools to empower them with skills, we are also going to support cash crop farming to help us fight insecurity,” said Lawyer Cheboi.

More to follow..

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