KEBS Takes Action: Investigation Launched on Uji Power and Okra Water’s Sexual Power Claims


The popularity of Uji Power and Okra, products believed to enhance sexual wellness, will be thoroughly investigated by KEBS.

Crafted from a blend of arrowroot flour, peanut flour, cassava flour, pumpkin seed flour, and a dash of secret ingredients, Uji Power is purportedly used for its health and sexual benefits. It has caused a buzz with the claims of it being increasing sexual power with every sip.

Okra water that is currently selling like hot cake amongst women, is said to immensely boost the sexual health by enhancing lubrication.

KEBS Director Market Surveillance Peter Kaigwara stated that they will investigate the products and potentially disclose their findings to the public.

Geoffrey Karau, Director of Quality Assurance and Inspection, emphasized the importance of other relevant agencies addressing concerns regarding Uji Power and Okra.

Kaigwara issued a call to action, urging Kenyans to report any suspicious or counterfeit products, as the country’s limited enforcement capacity can only inspect 55 products.

He warned about the severe consequences of substandard products, including health and safety risks, environmental pollution, and unfair competition.

KEBS is also collaborating with a multi-agency team to curb the spread of substandard goods in the market.

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