Online Blackmail Alert: Bungoma Politician’s Shocking Extortion Attempt Against Governor FERNANDES BARASA


Governor Fernandes Barasa of Kakamega has found himself embroiled in yet another scandal involving extortion, following a threat from a Bungoma politician to publicly release his private photos unless he paid a sum of money.

Joseph Lendrix Waswa, who has since been arrested and charged, is accused of threatening Barasa by telling him that he would circulate his photos in numerous WhatsApp groups.

Waswa, alias SSP Kiprop, appeared before Kibera Senior Principal Magistrate Margate Maroro on Thursday, April 25.

According to the charge sheet, Waswa allegedly gave Barasa an ultimatum to cooperate by sending him money, or his photos would go viral by 10 a.m.

 “It is alleged that on March 19, 2024, at 1356 hrs at an unknown place using WhatsApp account number+2454xxxxxx under a mobile registration name of AL Yusuf, you sent a WhatsApp message to wit:

“Bure by saa nne (by 10 a.m.) I will have circulated all your n@ked photos kwa hizo WhatsApp groups” to Fernandes Barasa of WhatsApp account number 254xxxxxxxx information you knew would detrimentally affect him,” read the charge sheet.

According to the charge sheet presented in court, the prosecution accuses Waswa of allegedly committing a crime contrary to Section (1) b of the Computer Misuse and Cyber Crime Act.

Lawyer Bryan Khaemba represented Waswa in court.

He argued that his client was a respected leader and businessman, saying the governor framed him for unknown reasons.

Waswa also faced another count of cyberbullying, where the prosecution accused him of allegedly sending another threatening message.

According to the charge sheet, Waswa, through a mobile number registered in the name of Al Yusuf, sent the following message:

“Trust me; I will circulate other photos of you and Mama that you’ve never seen, which are in the gadget on the media plus the naked ones. Bro hutafurahia.”

He allegedly sent the message to Barasa on his WhatsApp number, +254xxxxxx, knowing that the message was detrimental to the victim.

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