Land Ownership Controversy: Dorcas Kiptoo Blocked from Accessing Ksh.4.6 Billion Karen Land

  • Restriction Placed on Dorcas Kiptoo Prevents Her from Accessing Ksh.4.6 Billion Karen Land

High Court has issued orders stopping Dorcas Joan Kiptoo from interfering with a parcel of land situated in Karen that is worth Ksh.4.6 billion shillings.

“That an order of interim injunction to restrain Dorcas Kiptoo and two others either by themselves, servants or agents acting on her behalf from entering, remain and in any other manner whatsoever from interfering with the plaintiffs rights over the suit property pending hearing or further directions from this court,” the court ruled.

In the case, Alvind Kanji Patel argues that the suit property is a vast land with structures, buildings and offices and the plaintiff has also established that he will suffer irreparable injury which cannot be compensated in damages.

According to court papers, Patel says that he has been in possession of the said land since 1965. On March 2, 2024, the plaintiff says the defendants gained illegal entry to the property.

He further argues that Dorcas allegedly hired goons who forcefully gained access to the property, chased his employee and started fencing the property.

Similarly, he claims that Dorcas never produced a little deed to the land she is claiming ownership of.

The court directed the OCS Karen to enforce the orders.

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