Mammito’s Skit on Jowie Death Sentence: An Analysis of Public Reactions


Comedian Eunice Mammito on Wednesday was on the spot after she posted a skit on her social media platforms, making a ‘light moment’ on Joseph ‘Jowie’ Irungu’s death sentence.


The skit came hours after Jowie was handed a death sentence in the murder of Monica Kimani in 2018. Justice Grace Nzioka ruled that Jowie would suffer death for a pre-meditated murder.

His co-accused Jackie Maribe was in February acquitted of murder charges, and has since been appointed as head of communications in the Ministry of Public Service.

While Jowie’s conviction was on everyone’s lips, Mammito saw it wise to do a skit. The skit, in the form of a song, urged Jowie to see the jail term as an opportunity to scam Kenyans.

She also made several other unpalatable jokes about the conviction. This triggered Kenyans, who in droves castigated the comedian for making Jowie’s conviction a subject of mockery.

Many called her out for being insensitive despite what had befallen Jowie, and even failing to honour the late Monica Kimani’s memory in her skit.

Mammito is yet to pull down the video, in what many say is defiance in celebrating Jowie’s downfall.

After being a subject of online criticism, Mammito has responded by saying;

“I have witnessed a very rare occurrence something that has not happened since 2002 people from every background uniting together for a reason, to cook me. It gives me hope for the future that one day we shall unite and fight against corruption and other things ailing our country. Am in hot fire now, my soul weeps . I am but a small thin woman with no buttocks and am not as attractive, how dare I joke about a beautiful accused person, but your unity how it fills my soul!”

The response has equally attracted ridicule, with some accusing Mammito of looking for sympathy after the mess she created.

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