Muguka prohibited in Mombasa due to its harmful effects on individuals and communities

Muguka Banned In Mombasa

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir has issued an executive order banning the sale and usage of muguka in the county.

Making the announcement on Wednesday, the governor said all their measures to curb the consumption of the addictive drug had failed while it continued to ravage the population especially the younger generation with its severe effects.

He has now banned the transportation of the drug into the country and ordered a closure and crackdown on all outlets selling the drug in the coastal city.

“THAT, there be a total prohibition on the entry, transportation, distribution, sale, and use of Muguka and its products within Mombasa County,” the statement reads in part.

“THAT, all outlets, whether in the form of retail or wholesale, selling and/or distributing Muguka within Mombasa County be closed immediately and/or stop the sale of Muguka and its products,”.

The governor, has directed that all motor vehicles transporting the plant not be allowed into the county and directed all county law enforcement officers to implement the directive immediately.


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