Public Support Increases For Nyariki As Urges Continues For Efficient Public Goodwill

A section of the Kenyan public has come out to applaud the current Deputy Registrar of Societies Maria Goreti Nyariki’s efforts in spearheading reforms at the State Law Office.

Those who spoke to us indicated that the Deputy Registrar of Societies Maria Goretti Nyariki has been standing firm and embracing reforms in matters related to the Office of the Attorney General and at Sheria House.

“It is no mean fete that Kenyans have grown in faith in the services offered by the registrar of societies. And this is because of the goodhearted efforts of the Deputy Registrar Maria Goretti Nyariki,” said Kevin Kabuya, a prominent city businessman.

It is not lost that during the Shakakhola Inquiry, Ms. Nyariki played a key role in putting things right.

Nyariki is on record as calling for speedy investigations and ensuring that all perpetrators are brought to book and held to account following the deaths of over 400 persons including children in a doomsday cultic movement led by controversial preacher Pastor Paul Makenzie.

“We need to instil public trust in our institutions and what Ms Goretti Nyariki has devoted to do through her office should be commended.That is what should be called for holders of public office,” added Mr. Kabuya

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