The Legal Journey of Hussein Ismail Godad: Unraveling the Truth Behind the Sh67.5 Million Theft Charges

Hussein Ismail Godad

Hussein Ismail Godad, a warehouse manager at Medina Chemicals, appeared before the Milimani Law Courts, facing charges of theft amounting to Sh67.5 million.

He denied the sole count of stealing animal health products valued at over Sh67,513,761 while in his capacity as an employee of Medina Chemicals. The alleged theft occurred between January 17th of the current year at a warehouse in Nairobi.

According to the prosecution, Godad unlawfully appropriated the products, which came into his possession by virtue of his employment.

During the court proceedings, Godad appealed for lenient bond terms, citing his familial responsibilities as a married man with two wives and over 10 children.

Consequently, the court granted him release on a bond of Sh. 500,000 or an alternative cash bail of Sh200,000. The case is scheduled for mention on February 29th.

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