The Scandalous Truth: Pastor James Wanjohi Njoroge’s Connection to Fraud and Car Theft Syndicates Revealed

Pastor James Wanjohi Njoroge
  • Beyond the Pulpit: The Troubling Activities of Pastor James Wanjohi Njoroge

A Nairobi court has received a request from politician James Wanjohi Njoroge, who is accused of stealing a $3 million car, to resolve the case outside of court.

Now because he is trying to resolve the issue with the complainant, he is asking the court to halt his trial. The court prosecution asked for additional time when the matter was brought before magistrate Gilbert Shikwe, claiming Wanjohi had told him they had already begun settlement talks with the complainant.

Instead of proceeding with the trial, the court has been informed that they wish to attempt and resolve the issue out of court. Along with Kevin Brian Amolo, he is accused. Along with other individuals who are not in court, they stole Juvenia Lydia Mapilele Cohen’s white Mercedes Benz, which was worth Sh3.2 million.

The offense is said to have been committed on November 6, 2020, in Nairobi.The magistrate designated November 11 as the day on which the court will officially announce the progress or setting of hearing dates.

Wanjohi, who also owns a church in Roysambu, ran for office as a UDA candidate but was defeated in the nomination process. A furious Twitter user who claims to be a victim of Pastor Wanjohi and his crew links them to a purported gold scam syndicate, according to a Twitter search.

What about the other con artists that are operating similarly? extorting millions of dollars from gullible gold buyers. Ebullient Services Limited is made up of Elly Kalekwa, Pastor James Wanjohi Njoroge, Attorney Robert Akumu Asembo, and Ciska Wietz, whose true name is Natanje Harvey

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