Understanding the Intricate Power Structures Between Two Clans in Local Government

Governor Nathif Jama,

Corruption is festering in Garissa County under the leadership of Governor Nathif Jama, whose re-election appears to be a strategic ploy to perpetuate his agenda of siphoning county resources.

Governor Jama stands accused of orchestrating the placement of his immediate family members into pivotal positions within the county administration and flagrantly disregarding public service appointment regulations.

This blatant nepotism has resulted in the exclusion of competent, deserving professionals and greatly undermined the county’s administrative integrity.

The “Derows” and “Korows” of Garissa County

It appears that the Garissa County administration is divided among two influential family factions: the “Derows” and the “Korows” both reportedly related to Governor Jama.

These families have been strategically placed in key positions within the county government where they are consolidating power and control.

Korow Family

  • Chief Financial Officer: Mohamed Daud Korow
  • Director of HR: Ibrahim Mohamed Korow
  • Director of Communications: Yussuf Ali Korow
  • Director of Operations, Protocol, and Events Management: Hussein Ali Korow
  • Director of Youth and Sports: Abdi Ali Korow
  • PA to Governor and Driver: Ismail Korow
  • Official Governor’s Residence Manager: Asha Mohamed Korow
  • Senior IFMIS Officer: Hassan Ali Korow
  • Governor’s Cook: Asha Daud Korow
  • Ghost Worker (residing in the UK): Shamsa Daud Korow

Derow Family

  • Diaspora Director: Kassim Nathif Jama
  • Cleaning Services at County Headquarters: Omar Jama (Governor’s brother)
  • Deputy Director of County Revenue: Yussuf Jama’s son
  • Head of Procurement PGH: Fatuma Jama’s son
  • Unofficial County Manager: Abdiaziz Jama
  • Ghost Director: Khalid Nathif Jama, who recently purchased an apartment worth Ksh 17.5 million under the name of his elder brother, Kassim Nathif Jama.

Mismanagement and Dubious Contracts

Governor Jama’s administration is also criticized for not settling debts with the Kenya Medical Supplies Authority (Kemsa), opting instead to procure pharmaceuticals from costlier, alternative suppliers.

These suppliers are reportedly linked to Governor Jama’s associates, highlighting a clear conflict of interest and corruption. By choosing more expensive suppliers connected to his associates, Governor Jama’s administration has not only increased costs but also compromised the quality and reliability of medical supplies.

This shift from Kemsa to these dubious suppliers appears to be a calculated move to avoid accountability and debt settlement, ultimately enriching a select few at the expense of the county’s healthcare system.

County Secretary Mohamud Hassan Mursal’s Family

  • Head of Finance at GAWASCO: Isa Hassan Mursal
  • Procurement Officer in Roads Department: Musa Hassan Mursal
  • Accountant in County Affairs Department: Osman Hassan Mursal
  • Personal Assistant to County Secretary: Zamzam Hassan Mursal

Abdullahi Hassan Mursal, implicated in managing allegedly misappropriated funds, held directorial roles in companies involved in lucrative county projects, including QuadcoreCompany Limited and Seife Construction Company Limited.

He resigned from these positions under the advice of his elder brother to avoid detection by investigators.

Document showing the appointment of Kassim Nathif Jama as Diaspora Director
Document showing the appointment of Kassim Nathif Jama as Diaspora Director
Company Registration for Seife Construction and Suppliers Limited Shows Hassan Adow Muse and Zamzam Abdullahi Dakane as directors
Company Registration for Seife Construction and Suppliers Limited Shows Hassan Adow Muse and Zamzam Abdullahi Dakane as directors.
Company Registration for Quadcore Communications Limited Shows Abdihakim Mohamud Mohamed as the director.
Company Registration for Quadcore Communications Limited Shows Abdihakim Mohamud Mohamed as the director.
Company Registration for Quadcore Technology Solutions Limited Shows Sadia Hassan Mursal as the director.
Company Registration for Quadcore Technology Solutions Limited Shows Sadia Hassan Mursal as the director.

These revelations have led to public outcry and calls for the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) and the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to investigate thoroughly.

Nepotism and mismanagement are turning Garissa County into what critics call a “family kiosk”

A clear sabotage of public trust and effective governance.

EACC and DCI must step in to restore order.

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