Notorious Conman kinyua wa iratu who doubles as Maono Lands Limited Found struggling to explain how to refund money he conned from investors

Kinyua Wa Iratu

Kinyua Wa Iratu, a man whose reputation is anything but honorable, has masterminded a cunning scheme under the guise of his shell company, Maono Lands Limited.

Wa Iratu peddles what he calls “simplified, rewarding, and secure” land investments on his website.

However, the reality couldn’t be farther from the truth.

An image of Kinyua wa Iratu
The shocking truth about Kinyua Wa Iratu, the owner of Maono Lands Limited who sells air to gullible buyers

He is a skilled con artist, preying on unsuspecting buyers by selling them utterly worthless plots.

His nefarious enterprise is not confined to the shadows; he boldly advertises on local Kikuyu radio stations, cunningly portraying himself as a devout Christian, with God, he claims, as the “senior-most partner” of his company.

But don’t be fooled; his actions speak volumes to the contrary.

“Warn Kenyans to run away from these Maono Lands cons. My plots are in Nyahururu Ngarua phase 3 yet they are selling Phase 5. Why keep on selling the lands yet he has Issues with Phase 3?” a witness told us.

Wairatu is a pompous and vulgar man who thinks he is untouchable because of his alleged connections in high places.

He has no respect for anyone and acts as if he can do whatever he wants without any consequences.

After we exposed Wa Iratu in our previous article, he started blocking his clients on social media.

“I invested with Maono Lands Limited, now it’s been 1 year and I’m still asking for my title after being given fake promises. He blocked me. I bought 2 plots in Nyahururu in 2021. I bought 2 plots 50 by 100 each 150k plus 30k for the title, a total of 330k. When we ask about the title, they give you fake promises and when you continue asking for it, the next minute you are blocked. We are so many, we have created a WhatsApp group for those who bought and not yet given titles,” one victim shared.

The deceptive use of fake promises and client-blocking tactics is a glaring hallmark of Wa Iratu’s fraudulent operations.

Many investors are lured into Wairatu’s web and fall prey to his aggressive social media marketing and influencer endorsements.

Notably, he enlists popular Kikuyu musicians like Karangu Muraya to endorse his plots for sale, cynically exploiting their trust and influence to ensnare more unsuspecting customers.

An image of Karangu Muraya and Maono Lands Limited boss Kinyua Wa Iratu
Kinyua Wa Iratu’s Maono Lands Limited: A Case Study of How Religion and Celebrities Can Be Used to Con People

This sordid tactic mirrors the playbook employed by rogue players in the real estate industry, concealing their shady dealings behind the façade of celebrity endorsements.

There’s a multitude of victims who have suffered at Wa Iratu’s hands, some of whom have united and formed WhatsApp groups to seek justice.

A recent case involves a buyer who purchased land from Maono Lands Limited in August 2021.

Promised a title deed by the year’s end, they instead endured endless delays and excuses from Wairatu throughout 2022.

On December 17th, 2022, the buyer confronted Wairatu at his CBD office, demanding either the title deed or a refund.

Wai Iratu promptly called the police from Kamukunji Police Station, instructing the buyer to meet them there for further discussion.

Before the police, Wa Iratu reluctantly committed to refunding the buyer’s money by January 17th, 2023, a pledge documented in writing, as evidenced by the documents provided to us by the victim.

It’s evident that Wairatu operates a well-orchestrated scam, preying on hardworking Kenyans.

He exploits their dreams of land ownership, a cherished and scarce resource in Kenya.

His actions thrive in the absence of proper regulation and oversight in the real estate sector, allowing him to act with impunity.

Kinyua Wa Iratu stands as a grave menace to society, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and he must be exposed and held accountable.

The dreams and aspirations of hardworking individuals should not be sacrificed on the altar of his deception.

We implore anyone who has fallen victim to Wa Iratu’s deceitful schemes to report him to the relevant authorities and pursue legal recourse.

To those considering land investments, we urge you to exercise caution, conduct thorough due diligence, and not be swayed by low prices, flashy advertisements, or celebrity endorsements.

Never part with your money without verifying the legitimacy of the land and the title deed.

And most importantly, be wary of those who claim to have God as their partner but conduct themselves like agents of deception.

Kinyua Wa Iratu is nothing but a charlatan peddling empty promises.

Don’t become one of his unfortunate victims.

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