Former Murang’a Governor’s Wife Jane Waigwe Kimani Arrested for Misappropriation of KSh. 351 Million

Jane Waigwe Kimani

Today, Jane Waigwe Kimani, the spouse of ex-Murang’a Governor Mwangi Wa Iria, was present in the Milimani anti-corruption court, where she was charged with David Maina Kiama for the alleged embezzlement of KSh. 351 million from Murang’a County funds.

During the proceedings, Senior Principal Prosecution Counsel Ms. Susan Keli did not oppose the bail/bond application but urged the court to consider the seriousness of the charges and the significant amounts involved.

She requested that any bail or bond set should be commensurate with the nature of the offenses.

Both defendants pleaded not guilty to the charges. They were subsequently released on a Ksh. 5 million bond with a surety of a similar amount, or alternatively, a cash bail of Ksh1 million.

Chief Magistrate Hon. Victor Wakhumile, presiding over the case, ordered them to surrender their travel documents to the court and prohibited them from leaving the country without court consent.

Representing the prosecution were Senior Principal Prosecution Counsel Susan Keli, along with Prosecution Counsels Kennedy Panyako, Willy Momanyi, Jeremiah Walusala, Linda Otieno, and Delroy Mwasaru.

The court scheduled the next mention of the case for May 14, 2024.

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